Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nafina A. (former Chicago UBF)

Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:19:09


I just found the website (and its related one rsqubf). I left ubf a year ago and I am very very disconcerted after reading so many horrible accounts of Dr. Samuel Lee's behavior (and some of the testimonies in the rsqubf site). My bible teacher exhibited a lot of the same characteristics everyone else is describing (controlling, manipulative, scaring and using God's word for her own agenda). There came a point that my family (who is not Christian) told me to get out or I'd be kicked out. They (UBF) of course told me that my family is not Christian so I shouldn't listen to them and if i do then I'm disobeying God. And they would always quote, "Do you want to obey man or God?" So it was a REALLY REALLY horrible time in my life and THANK GOD I chose to remain with my family.

I have just found this site today and I'm so shocked. I hope that whatever is being said about ubf isn't true. Partly due to my pride (that I got sucked in) and partly bc I really did make good friendships in UBF and most of the people I knew were true Christians (albeit fearful of Dr. Samuel Lee).

I just spoke to my best friend (who's still in UBF) and she said that that whole site is a fraud and they got this last year and it's so sad that just bc a few ppl have problems with Dr. samuel lee, they are doing this to blemish the name of UBF. Somehow that explanation doesn't ring true. How can so many ppl post similar experiences and I personally relate to most of them.